Company policies



Astro meant to be an innovative leader of products, process and service in his area of activity and because of this considers essential the definition and execution of the appropriate policies to the purpose of the organization and consistent with its value.

We are aware that a sustainable development is based on a continuous improvement of the quality and reliability of the product and the service, in the full satisfaction of the customers, in the respect of the legal requirements and in any other conformity obligations, of the guarantee for all employees about a healthy and safety work and we are committed to improve every activities.

The maintenance of the Integrated Management System according to the reference standards UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018, and the follow guiding principles by which we are inspired, represent a point of reference for the monitoring and the continuous improvement of the Company performances :


-  Attention to the customer: we identify and anticipate, when it is possible, the needs with products and services that responds to the expectations of the customers and the Market.


-  Affidability of the products: we realize products conforming to the specifications of the customer and to the technical reference standards.


-  Control of the environmental performance: we constantly promote actions and activities that bring a continuous improvement regarding the use of the energy and other energy resources, the emissions into the atmosphere and the management of the industrial waste.


-  Constant commitment to the safeguard of the worker’s health and safety:  we value all the risks that are present inside the Company and we take suitable preventive actions to delete the danger, reduce all the risks and preventing accidents/injuries inside the work places.


  -  Respect of the employees and no discrimination: considering that all the work places need to be safe and as we don’t accept discrimination on the base of gender, identity, ethnic group, religion or other conventions, disability, sexual orientation, age, nationality, political opinion, Union membership, status or social background, speak language, health status or family questions, we categorically rejected any inaceptable treatment of the people, like psychological violence, sexual harassment or discrimination, including the inadequate language and physical contact, either for sexual purposes, coercion, threats, violence or exploitation.


-  Efficient communication both internal and external: we always guarantee a continuous exchange of information and sharing with both the workers and the internal and external collaborators and with all the Institutions to obtain the reciprocal benefit.


-  Careful management of the resources: we value and educate the human capital through the participation and involvement, the training and the education in order to increase the professional skills; we raise awareness of the employees to the culture of quality, environment and safety in the work place.


-  Efficient of the system: we review, at fixed intervals, the Integrated Management System according to the new corporate goals and the Market needs.


Also we are committed to operate on the full respect of the laws, regulations and relevant directives, both national and European, and to make any possible improvements to our Organization, taking into the utmost consideration the control of the productive cycle, the relationship with the Customers, the respect of the safety and health of the own employees and the protection of the environment and disseminating its own policy to those who collaborating and have relation with the Company.


Mornico al Serio, 11.10.2023